My husband and I have been married for some time now. We had our daughter in 2020 and I think that’s when we finally decided we wanted to start our family traditions. We’ve done little family traditions every year since we’ve been married but it seemed we needed to implement them more by being consistent.
Now that our daughter has been born, we’d love to implement these traditions and stick to them. I put together our existing Christmas family traditions sprinkled in with what we’d like to start up. I hope you enjoy!
Christmas family traditions to start
We decorate
First things first we decorate! Since I believe the second year we’ve been married, we decorate starting November 1st! I know some of you are cringing at the thought of skipping Thanksgiving and Fall. Honestly, I don’t see it as skipping because we fully acknowledge Fall during the month of November. There’s something that makes us happier and more in the Holiday spirit when we decorate early.

See Christmas lights
My husband and I are from a town called Delray Beach, FL and every year they put up a huge 100 foot Christmas tree near the downtown area. Since the first year we’ve been married we always go see it and admire all the fun Christmas lights. Now that we’ve moved almost an hour away, we simply just take a drive to see all the festive lights. We have a small town square that is also lit up with lights, so we make sure to visit throughout December.

Watch Christmas movies
We are all familiar with 25 days of Christmas on Freeform and that’s pretty much what we do. My husband loves the original Christmas Carols collection like Little Drummer Boy, Jack Frost, Santa Claus is comin’ to town. We’ve recently discovered Angela’s Christmas and some other festive Christmas movies on Netflix. Every year it’s a different pick of the draw but nonetheless we make sure to at least watch one every night.
Sip Hot Chocolate
We live in Florida and IT IS HOT usually all year round. We consider ourselves lucky when we get a cold day down here. Any cold day we get it we manage get a hot chocolate to sip by our tree or while we drive by the Christmas lights.

Attend Christmas Eve Service
Every year we make it our business to attend Christmas Eve service as a part of our Christmas family traditions. As we attend Christmas Eve service, we either light a candle or take communion in remembrance of Jesus. We celebrate the birth of Jesus and how He brought joy to our world just as an infant. We can posture our heart to experience a peace that the Father sent His only son, so we could have eternal life in heaven. John 3:16
Bake Cookies
This is a tradition I begun when I was 17 years old. My stepmom introduced me to this fun time! I remember we baked Christmas cookies a week before Christmas to give to our neighbors and friends. And since then, this fun tradition has stuck with me like these yummy Mexican wedding balls. Now that we have Marley, I can’t wait for her to help with one of our Christmas family traditions.
Growing christmas family traditions
We’ve only just began our Christmas family traditions. However, I’m looking to add more as we grow as a family. There are so many fun traditions out there like reading ‘Twas the night before Christmas on Christmas Eve or wearing matching family pajamas! I love it all!
Christmas time is so special to me and my family. My husband and I made our relationship official Christmas 2010. Additionally, Christmas 2019 we announced our first pregnancy to our family. It truly is the happiest time of the year. If you have any Christmas family traditions that you love participating in, share them below by leaving a comment. I’d love to hear!
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!